The following is the account written by First Bubba detailing his effort to get a “cull buck” who earlier visited his trail camera.

Photo of First Bubba’s cull buck “My trail cam has revealed an older, heavy antlered buck that needs to be culled.”
First Bubba mentioned this buck in his comment on my deer post “My trail cam has revealed an older, heavy antlered buck that needs to be culled.”
Of course, I wished him luck with his cull operation. And here is what happens during First Bubba’s attempt at culling the big 10.
The sun is creeping up to the horizon on Red River of Oklahoma. A gorgeous morning! Dead still, not a cloud in the sky and 30°F. I took a 5-minute wait at the STOP sign on the highway to finally get my frosted windshield clear enough to continue.
I’m humming a tune, dreaming about the thermos of hot, black coffee and the biscuits in my pack. When I get settled into the blind and got the coffee and biscuits out, the eastern horizon is beginning its morning blush. The food plot is dark, but I can see well enough to tell no deer are present.
The coffee and biscuits taste like heaven in the chilly gloom. About 6:45a the biscuit is gone and the slow sipping of the coffee satisfies.
I glass the wheat pasture for movement… Nothing.
I go back to sipping the now cooling coffee… Glass again. Still nothing…Back to the coffee.
Just as I set the thermos down, the motion of a deer jumping the fence gets my attention. I’m hoping for the big 10 point that’s on my trail camera; IT’S HIM!7:00 AM Ruger No.1 .270 WinRedfield 4× standard
Sierra 110 grain SP
I forgot! 18.5″ outside spread.
I’m on the .270 and watching him through the scope, waiting, impatiently for him to give me a broadside.
He picks at the oats and slowly turns to offer his right shoulder…I slip the safety off, find the trigger and squeeze. He collapsed in his tracks! I never feel the recoil.My scale only went to 160 pounds – He bottomed it out! Field dressed, he weighed 135 pounds.
Nine points.The Euro Mount
OOPS! Wrong buck, good luck getting the “right cull buck” next year Bubba. Or, what the heck, just keep shooting nine pointers!
Congratulations on a very nice deer.