“For this town, no big deal to have gun show at school”
This is an AP headline from yesterday that is a spot of sanity in the insane world of gun control hype.
The AP reporter Dinesh Ramde writes:
Wisconsin — where children as young as 10 years old are encouraged to
grab a gun and shoot a deer — one community is embracing its hunting
heritage by gearing up to host a gun show in a high school gym.
Most people think guns are simply banned in schools however according to Chippewa County District Attorney Steve Gibbs “Federal and state law bars guns in school settings under most circumstances, but there are provisions in federal law that allow guns with the permission of school administrators”
AP reporter Ramde continues:
Paul Schley, Cornell School District superintendent, said he received
emails from five Wisconsin residents living outside Cornell who
expressed disappointment that the show was taking place on school
2012 was my 52nd year hunting and thereby my 52nd year since being taught to shoot. During my time in high school it

52 years ago there were no minimum age requirements to hunt or learn to shoot. charlie was shooting a Red Ryder BB gun at age 3 by the time he turned 6 charlie was profiecent with 22 rifle and successfully hunted small game.
was common for schools to sponsor student shooting teams, skeet, trap and rifle. The school I attended even had an indoor shooting range. We would keep your guns in our lockers and get them out when Phy Ed time came for firearm training and proficiency.Perhaps some will be surprised to learn there were no school shootings then. Firearms were really nothing special just the equipment of another sport and the results of the school’s shooting teams were read over the P.A. system right along with the baseball, basketball or football scores.
george says
Those were the days of freedom charlie. We look back with longing.